
Vegan Parmesan Portobello Mushroom 

I'll be the first to admit I love meat and though many choose to be vegetarian or vegan for personal or health reasons, I just can't. However, this doesn't mean I'm not willing to make delicious dishes of any sort. My friend's daughter is vegan, so I've ventured into making some vegan-friendly food for and with her. When the rest of us were eating Chicken Caprese, she was enjoying this really tasty (non) meaty meal.

1 large Portobello mushroom

1 clove garlic (sliced thin)

3 grape tomatoes (halved)

1 tbsp fresh basil (roll and slice)

1.5 tbsp vegan parmesan

Olive oil


Lay mushroom bottom side facing up. Drizzle mushroom with olive oil. Sprinkle with 2 pinches of salt. Spread garlic then fresh basil. Add tomatoes and sprinkle parmesan covering the mushroom. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Add a little more basil before serving.


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